Tuesday, April 24, 2007

5th Annual Stomp, Romp & Wag

Come to the 5th Annual Stomp, Romp and Wag on April 25 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the north lawn of Hartshorn Health Center.
The event offers:
- Tobacco cessation information, including how secondhand smoke may impact your pets
- Health checks for your pets - ears, teeth, and nail trims
- Low cost spay and neuter information
- Doggie massages
Activities and attractions during the day include "Sheba the Wonder Dog," Disc Dog and Fly Ball demos, Doggie Idol, and a Doggie-Look-Alike Contest.
So, come join us with or without a pet and enjoy music, food, fun and entertainment. This event is a great way to socialize your dog, pamper your dog, and even enjoy someone else's dog!
For additional information, contact Gwen Sieving, Health Educator, Hartshorn Health Service at (970) 491-3084 or gjoy@colostate.edu.

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